A high-quality dataset is a basic requirement to ensure the training quality and prediction accuracy of a deep learning network model (DLNM). To explore the influence of label image accuracy on the performance of a concrete crack segmentation network model in a semantic segmentation dataset, this study uses three labelling strategies, namely pixel-level fine labelling, outer contour widening labelling and topological structure widening labelling, respectively, to generate crack label images and construct three sets of crack semantic segmentation datasets with different accuracy. Four semantic segmentation network models (SSNMs), U-Net, High-Resolution Net (HRNet)V2, Pyramid Scene Parsing Network (PSPNet) and DeepLabV3+, were used for learning and training. The results show that the datasets constructed from the crack label images with pix-el-level fine labelling are more conducive to improving the accuracy of the network model for crack image segmentation. The U-Net had the best performance among the four SSNMs. The Mean Intersection over Union (MIoU), Mean Pixel Accuracy (MPA) and Accuracy reached 85.47%, 90.86% and 98.66%, respectively. The average difference between the quantized width of the crack image segmentation obtained by U-Net and the real crack width was 0.734 pixels, the maximum difference was 1.997 pixels, and the minimum difference was 0.141 pixels. Therefore, to improve the segmentation accuracy of crack images, the pixel-level fine labelling strategy and U-Net are the best choices.