Self-driving cars are going to be the main future mode of transportation. However, such systems like, any other cyber-physical system, are vulnerable to attack vectors and uncertainties. As a response, resilience-based approaches are being developed. However, the approaches lack a sound attack model that recognizes the attack vectors and vulnerabilities such a system would have and that does a proper severity analysis of such attacks. Moreover, the existing attack models are too generic. Currently, the domain lacks such specific work pertaining to self-driving cars. Given the technology and architecture of self-driving cars, the field requires a domain-specific attack model. This paper gives a review of the attack models and proposes a domain-specific attack model for self-driving cars. The proposed attack model, severity-based analytical attack model for resilience (SAAMR), provides attack analysis based on existing models. Also, a domainbased severity score for attacks is calculated. Further, the attacks are classified using the decision-tree method and predictions of the type of attacks are given using long short-term memory network.
INDEX TERMSAttack-model, autonomous vehicles, cyber-attacks, resilience, security, self-driving car. NOMENCLATURE AT Adversarial attack tree. CAN Controller area network. CT Code modification/injection tree. CVE Common vulnerabilities and exposures. CVSS Common vulnerability scoring system. CWE Common weakness enumeration. DATMO Detection and tracking of moving objects. DDoS Distributed denial of service. DoS Denial of service. DT Decision tree. ECU Electronic controller unit. GPS Global positioning system. InV In-vehicle. ITS Intelligent transportation system. JT Jamming attack tree. LiDAR Light detection and ranging.