We find the explicit coordinate transformation which links two exact cosmological solutions of the brane world which have been recently discovered. This means that both solutions are exactly the same with each other. One of two solutions is described by the motion of a domain wall in the well-known 5-dimensional Schwarzshild-AdS spacetime. Hence, we can easily understand the region covered by the coordinate used by another solution.The Randall-Sundrum brane world [1,2] may give drastic changes to the conventional gravity theory or cosmology 1 . Since the 3-brane world is motivated by the relation between the 11-dimensional supergravity and E 8 × E 8 superstring theory [4], the drastic changes might be realistic. Hence we have to seriously think of this scenario. In this respect, the conventional 4-dimensional theory should be recovered in low energy limits. This recovery is easily confirmed on a brane with positive tension [6,7]. Hence for simplicity, hereafter, we will consider the single brane case with the positive tension. For the brane world cosmology with negative tension, the issue is still in debate [6][7][8][9][10][11], because the fine-tuning and radius stabilization problem seem to be necessary to recover the conventional Einstein theory and the single brane is not apparently acceptable.Recently several authors have found exact cosmological solutions in the brane world [12-16] 2 . In one of them, the 3-brane is described as a 'domain wall' moving in 5-dimensional black-hole geometries [12,13]. It may be worth noting that the radiation dominated Friedmann universe is also expected by the AdS/CFT correspondence [26,27]. Another one was given by exactly solving the Einstein equations in the Gaussian normal coordinate [14-16]. These global solutions will be important to discuss its stability as the full spacetime, the gravitational force between two bodies on the brane and the cosmological perturbation on the brane.Since each of the two solutions is general enough in each coordinate system, it is easily expected that both solutions represent the same spacetime in different coordinate systems. In this brief note, we give the explicit coordinate transformation from the coordinate used in Refs. [12,13] to the Gaussian normal coordinate adopted in Refs. [14][15][16]. Moreover, we identify the region which the Gaussian normal coordinate covers.As stated above, some authors [12,13] considered a domain-wall moving in the 5-dimensional 'Schwarzshild-AdS'(Sch-AdS) spacetimes [28] with the metric