This paper proposes ASYNCHRONOUS TRIGGERED GRADIENT TRACKING, i.e., a distributed optimization algorithm to solve consensus optimization over networks with asynchronous communication. As a building block, we start by devising the continuous-time counterpart of the recently proposed (discretetime) distributed gradient tracking called CONTINUOUS GRA-DIENT TRACKING. By using a Lyapunov approach, we prove exponential stability of the equilibrium corresponding to agents' estimates being consensual to the optimal solution of the problem, with arbitrary initialization of the local estimates. Then, we propose two triggered versions of the algorithm. In the first one, the agents continuously integrate their local dynamics and exchange with neighbors current local variables according to a synchronous communication protocol. In ASYNCHRONOUS TRIGGERED GRADIENT TRACKING, we propose a totally asynchronous scheme in which each agent sends to neighbors its current local variables based on a triggering condition that depends on a locally verifiable condition. The triggering protocol preserves the linear convergence of the algorithm and excludes the Zeno behavior. By using the stability analysis of CONTINUOUS GRADIENT TRACKING as a preparatory result, we show exponential stability of the equilibrium point holds for both triggered algorithms and any estimates' initialization. Finally, numerical simulations validate the effectiveness of the proposed methods on a data analytics problem, showing also the improved performance in terms of inter-agent communication.