Merkel cell carcinoma has been a focus of active scientific investigation in recent years and new information on the topic has emerged. Although uncommon, this primary cutaneous neuroendocrine carcinoma, usually involving the head/neck of elderly individuals, has a poor prognosis. Within the past two decades, an increase in the incidence of the tumor and the discovery of its link to the Merkel cell polyomavirus have focused medical attention on the lesion. The resulting studies have improved our understanding of the biology of the neoplasm and contributed to clinical care. Specifically, two pathogenic subsets of the tumor have come to light, the majority due to Merkel cell polyomavirus and the minority caused by ultraviolet radiation‐induced genetic damage. This dichotomy carries prognostic implications favoring the former subset. In addition, having capitalized on the known susceptibility of the tumor to immune influences, investigators have recently discovered its responsiveness to immune checkpoint inhibition. This revelation has constituted a therapeutic milestone at the clinical level. Herein we provide an overview of the topic, outline updates in the field and place an emphasis on dermatopathologic aspects of Merkel cell carcinoma.