Intracellular signaling in adipocytes in an expanding adipose tissue is central to type 2 diabetes. We have earlier developed detailed mathematical models for well-studied signaling pathways in adipocytes, normally and in type 2 diabetes. Compared to the whole intracellular activity, these models still only contain a fraction of signaling pathways. On the other hand, we have large-scale phosphoproteomic data for the insulin response of adipocytes as well as prior knowledge about their interactions associated with a confidence level. However, methods to combine detailed models with large-scale data with varying confidence are lacking. In our new method, we first establish a core model, based on current detailed knowledge on adipocyte cellular signaling with focus on: 1) lipolysis and fatty acid release, 2) glucose uptake, and 3) the release of adiponectin. We use the core model as input to the first layer of our comprehensive model and continuously add new layers with a parallel, pairwise approach with low computation time. We find that the first 15 layers (60 added phosphosites) with highest confidence can predict unseen inhibitor-data (70-90 % correct) and that this ability decrease when we add layers of decreasing confidence. We can in total add 60 layers (3926 phosphosites) and still keep predictive ability. Finally, we use the comprehensive adipocytes model to simulate systems-wide alterations in adipocytes in type 2 diabetes. This new method provide a tool to create large models that keeps track of diverse confidence.