Enactivists have criticized traditional cognitive science as hamstrung by naïve Cartesian assumptions, wherein minds are mischaracterized as analyzable apart from the context of environmentally-embedded bodies. Indeed, the starting place for understanding minds must be in terms of their evolution and development as control systems for niche-constructing organisms. Here, I will draw from both enactivist and cognitivist perspectives on mind, proposing that an adequate characterization of intentional phenomena may require a reappraisal of mental homunculi as embodied self-models (ESMs), understood as body maps with agentic properties, functioning as predictive-memory systems and cybernetic controllers. Quasi-homuncular ESMs may constitute a dominant organizing principle for neural architectures due to their initial and ongoing significance for the processes by which inference problems are solved in cognitive (and affective) development. Specifically, embodied experiences may provide a source of foundational lessons in learning curriculums in which agents explore increasingly challenging inference spaces along zones of proximal development, so helping to solve an unresolved problem in Bayesian cognitive science: what are biologically plausible mechanisms for equipping learners with sufficiently constraining/empowering inductive biases? Drawing on models from neurophysiology, psychology, and developmental robotics, I suggest a potentially surprising answer to how this problem might be solved: body maps are the primary source of (empirical) priors, or very reliably learnable posterior expectations. If ESMs play this kind of foundational role in bootstrapping cognitive development, then we ought to expect bidirectional linkages between all sensory modalities and frontal-parietal control hierarchies, so infusing all senses with somatic-motoric properties, thereby structuring all perception by relevant affordances (and so solving frame problems for embodied learners/agents). Using the Free Energy Principle and Active Inference framework, I further describe a particular mechanism for intentional action selection via consciously imagined goal realization, where contrasts between desired and present states influence ongoing neural activity/policy selection via predictive coding mechanisms and backward-chained imaginings (as self-realizing predictions). A radically embodied developmental legacy suggests that these imaginings may be intentionally shaped by (internalized) partially-expressed motor predictions and mental simulations, so providing a means for agentic control of attention, working memory, and behavior. In brief, this manuscript is an attempt to show how a radically embodied cybernetic Bayesian brain may create foundations for intelligence (as capacity for predictive modeling), consciousness (as dynamic core, workspace, and complex of integrated information), and will (as desire-influenced shaping of predictive control hierarchies for enacting valued goals).