The Eucalyptus series Argyrophyllae Blakeley includes a small number of taxa which share the following features; the habit of a smallish tree; bark that is stringy (outer bark weathered and grey over inner bark reddish brown); juvenile leaves that, for numerous pairs, are opposite, sessile, amplexicaul, glaucous, initially orbicular, emarginate and eventually cordate or ovate; inflorescences that are simple axillary and 3-7-flowered; buds that are ovoid to diamond-shaped and pruinose; and fruits that are obconical, campanulate or sub-cylindrical with a level or an ascending disc.As well as £ cinerea F. Muell. ex Benth., £ nova-anglica H. Deane & Maiden and £ cephalocarpa Blakely, recently published taxa include