The quantitative importance of aerodynamic resistance to H20 vapor and CO2 exchange was determined for shoots from saplings of three conifers (Abiks kiocarpa [Hooki Nutt., Pinus conforta Dougl., Junipers commwus L.) under natural conditions in the field. A combination of relatively low stomatal resistances (< 300 seconds per centimeter) and low wind speeds (< 30 centimeters per second) led to substantial contributions of the aerodynamic resistance (R",) Several investigations have examined the magnitude of the aerodynamic, or boundary air layer, resistance to heat and mass transfer for a variety of leaves, or leaf replicas (3, 8-12, 14, 15, 18, 19). Only a few of these studies have attempted to estimate the quantitative influence of this resistance on transpiration and photosynthesis under field conditions (13,14,16). No attempt has been made to estimate the quantitative importance of this resistance based on simultaneous measurements of the aerodynamic properties and gas exchange rates of leaves or shoots under natural field conditions. The purpose of the present study was 1978). Aerodynamic resistances to water vapor transfer were determined for detached shoots coated with a thin layer of gypsum as described in Landsberg and Ludlow (10) for complex plant structures. This process was modified slightly by the addition of a polyethylene potometer tube filled with distilled H20 to prolong the measurement interval to several hours. For all experimental shoots, the weight lost per unit time was divided by the total needle area to give transpirational flux. The stomatal resistance (R') and surface resistance to water vapor diffusion of the gypsum-coated shoots were measured with a diffusion resistance porometer (Lambda Instruments model LI-85) throughout the experiment. This surface resistance never exceeded a value of 64 s m-l (conductance > 0.016 m s-1) for all experimental periods.Total leaf area was determined gravimetrically from correlations of dry weight versus area for individual needles. Total needle areas for experimental shoots ranged from 164 to 418 cm2 for shoots with main axes that were from 24 to 38 cm in length, respectively. Detached experimental shoots were placed at locations immediately adjacent to the sampled plant, or in their simulated natural canopy positions. Wind flow was measured at the midpoint of the shoot length approximately 10 cm above the shoot stem. Turbulence intensity (TI) was calculated as described by Sutton (22