Earth's thermosphere is the region of atmosphere from E 90 km up to E 500-1,000 km altitude depending on solar-cycle conditions. Its lower edge is defined by the transition to a positive vertical temperature gradient above the mesopause, whereas the upper limit is generally taken to be the height at which the mean free path exceeds one scale height. The upper portion of the thermosphere corresponds to the altitude region occupied by low Earth-orbiting spacecraft. Understanding the details of the weather in the thermosphere is thus important for orbital prediction and for space debris collision avoidance. The dominant terms involved in orbital predictions are obtained from the direct application of well-known equations of Newtonian mechanics. However, operational responses to space debris hazards are driven by the uncertainty in these predictions, on the time scales of days to a week or so ahead. The largest contribution to this uncertainty comes from aerodynamic drag effects, due to imperfect knowledge of the (vector) wind and (scalar) mass density fields of the ambient atmosphere. Thus, in order to reduce these uncertainties, an accurate thermospheric model, including wind, is needed.