Exposure of bovine chromaffin cells in primary culture to 5 ,.M reserpine or 25 ,uM forskolin results in an increase in enkephalin peptide levels within 24-48 hr; 25 j!M forskolin (or cholera toxin at 50 ,.g/ml) causes a 1.5-to 2-fold increase in enkephalin peptide levels, which is maximal after 48 hr of exposure and is totally blocked by addition of cycloheximide (0.5 ,Lg/ml). Reserpine (5 ,.M) elicits a 1.5-to 2-fold increase in enkephalin peptide levels within 24 hr, which is only partially blocked by cycloheximide. Chromatographic analysis of cellular extracts shows that forskolin increases levels of both [Metlenkephalin pentapeptide and high molecular weight enkephalin-containing peptides, while reserpine causes an increase in [Metlenkephalin pentapeptide and a concomitant Decrease in high molecular weight enkephalin-containing peptides, suggesting enhanced conversion of enkephalin precursor(s) to the mature polypeptide hormone. Measurement of preproenkephalin messenger RNA (mRNAe k) by RNA blot hybridization witli a cDNA probe for mRNAenk reveals that forskolin and cholera toxin cause a relatively rapid (<17 hr) 3-to 5-fold increase in mRNAenk, while exposure to reserpine elicits a gradual decrease in enkephalin mRNA (a 50%-80% decline) beginning within 24 hr and continuing over a 72-hr peritd. These results suggest that forskolin and reserpine differentially regulate enkephalin biosynthesis in cultured chromaffin cells, the former by increasing, presumably via a cAMP-dependent mechanism, cellular mRNA coding for preproenkephalin and the latter by a post-translational increase in proenkephalin processing.The parenchymal or chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla have been long studied as a prototype of the biochemistry and cell biology of catecholamine biosynthesis and secretion in diverse neuroendocrine cell types and in neurons (1, 2). The bovine adrenal medulla also contains high levels of enkephalin peptides and has been used as starting material both for the purification and sequencing of preproenkephalin peptides and for cloning and sequencing complementary DNA to preproenkephalin messenger RNA (mRNAenk) (3)(4)(5)(6). In addition, primary cultures of bovine adrenomedullary cells have been used as a model system to examine enkephalin peptide co-release with catecholamines and the regulation of enkephalin biosynthesis by hormones and pharmacological agents (7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12). In this study, we examined whether the effects of two types of pharmacological agents known to increase enkephalin peptide levels in chromaffin cells (9, 10, 12) could be accounted for by increased enkephalin gene transcription, which would be reflected in increased cellular mRNAenk, or if post-transcriptional events such as mRNA translation or preproenkephalin processing might be regulat- Peptide Radioimmunoassay.[Met]Enkephalin immunoreactivity in culture media and cell extracts (12) was measured by radioimmunoassay, using an enkephalin antiserum (RB-4) provided by Steve Sabol (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institut...