We have employed species dependent input coefficients for the test case ozone in a one-dimensional model of a premixed, laminar, steady-state flame. Convenient expressions for the input coefficients are developed. These coefficients are based on independent measurements, i.e., no arbitrary parameters are used in the model. The governing equations are solved using a relaxation technique and the partial differential equation package, PDEC0L, developed by Madsen and Sincovec. Species and temperature profiles and the burning velocities ^nntiniiiftd-i-U DD,^ FORM AN n 1473 EDITtON OF I MOV 65 (S OBSOLETE UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFlCATtOW OF THIS PAGE ^1»?»n Data Entered) SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE^Tlan Data Bntend) 20. ABSTRACT (Continued) are found over the range of initial ozone mole fraction of 0.25 to 1.00. The computed burning velocities are no more than 30% greater than the measurements of Streng and Grosse. Comparison with the computed results of Warnatz shows agreement within ± 12%, even though he used quite different expressions for some of the kinetic coefficients. These differences are manifest in the atomic oxygen and temperature profiles at an initial ozone mole fraction of unity. A comparison of the model profiles indicates a need for measurements or ob 'initio calculations for the rate coefficient for the reaction O3 + 0-> 2 02 at temper atures in the range 1500-2000K.