Nomenclature a,-= external force per unit mass, cm/s 2 c pi = heat capacity of species /, erg/g-K D ik = binary diffusion coefficient for species / and k, cm 2 /s E = total energy density, erg/cm 3 g = gravitational acceleration constant, = 980.67 cm/s 2 hi = specific enthalpy for species /, erg/g h i0 = specific heat of formation for species / evaluated at temperature T 0 , erg/g / = unit tensor (nondimensional) k f = forward chemical rate constant k r = reverse chemical rate constant k B = Boltzmann constant, = 1.3805 x 10~1 6 erg/K Kf = thermal diffusion coefficient of species /, cm' 1 L t = chemical loss rate of species /, s" 1 m = mass of a species, g Hi = number density of species i, cm~3 TV = total number density, cm" 3 N s = number of individual species in model P = scalar pressure, dyne/cm 2 P = pressure tensor, dyne/cm 2 q = heat flux, erg/cm 2 -s q r = radiative heat flux, erg/cm 2 -s Qi = chemical production rate of species /, cm" 3^"1 R = gas constant, = 8.3144 x 10 7 erg/deg-mol t = time, s T = temperature, K v = fluid velocity, cm/s This paper is declared a work of the U.S.
LAMINAR FLAMES IN PREMIXED GASESv di = diffusion velocities of species /, cm/s 7 = ratio of specific heats, = c p lc v € = specific internal energy, erg/g K = bulk viscosity coefficient, g/cm-s X = thermal conductivity coefficient, g-cm/K-s 3 |x = coefficient of shear viscosity, P, g/cm-s p = mass density, g/cm 3 Superscripts r = pertaining to electromagnetic radiation T = transpose operation on a matrix Subscripts i, j, k, I = individual species m = quantity defined for a mixture of species