The everyday worry of an option trader is to make sure its profit and loss stays nonnegative.
In the framework of a delta‐hedged dynamic buy or sell strategy computed with the parameters of a complete model (like the Black–Scholes model), the P&L at maturity will in fact be zero, under the assumption that the underlying follws the model dynamic. Of course this assumption is
unrealistic. In a seminal paper, El Karoui, Jeanblanc and Shreve study the robustness of the B&S strategy in the context of an unknown volatility. The uncertain volatality model (UVM) setting, pioneered independently by T. Lyons and M. Avellaneda, goes one step further by finding the cheapest selling price of an option for a totally risk‐averse trader in the much more realistic setting where there is almost no information on the volatility, except that it lies in a prespecified range. Even if its concrete implementation at the level of an option portfolio is tricky, the UVM setting is a milestone in the pricing and risk management of derivatives. It also raises theoretical issues when one tries to formalize a general framework for option pricing in the context of model uncertainty.