“…The resulting expression, divided by LπR s 2 , provides a fractional ECS volume, f ECS , Webster and Shuler (1978) x zero, first effectiveness factor in ECS x x zero, first effectiveness factor in ECS Webster and Shuler (1981) x first transient solution Davis and Watson (1985) x x parabolic Monod estimate effective diffusivity in ECS Kleinstreuer and Agarwal (1986) x x parabolic Monod general transient model Chresand et al (1988) x x parabolic zero optimal fiber spacing Heath and Belfort (1987) x plug-flow zero, first analytical axial and radial profiles Sardonini and DiBiasio (1992) x x zero growth of randomly distributed colonies x x parabolic zero oxygen transport limitations Schonberg and Belfort (1987) x 1-D (radial) first effect of radial convection; criterion for neglecting lumen resistance Salmon et al (1988) x 2-D (porous medium)…”