The contrast sensitivity function (CSF), how sensitivity varies with the spatial frequency 12 of the stimulus, is a fundamental assessment of visual performance. The CSF is generally assumed 13 to be determined by low-level sensory processes. However, the sensitivities of neurons in the early 14 visual pathways, as measured in experiments with immobilized eyes, diverge from psychophysical 15 CSF measurements in primates. Under natural viewing conditions, as in typical psychophysical 16 measurements, humans continually move their eyes, drifting in a seemingly erratic manner even 17 when looking at a fixed point. Here, we show that the resulting transformation of the visual scene 18 into a spatiotemporal flow on the retina constitutes a processing stage that reconciles human CSF 19 and the response characteristics of retinal ganglion cells under a broad range of conditions. Our 20 findings suggest a fundamental integration between perception and action: eye movements work 21 synergistically with the sensitivities of retinal neurons to encode spatial information. 22 23 30 conditions, the CSF measured with stationary gratings exhibits a well-known band-pass shape that 31 typically peaks around 3-5 cycles/deg and sharply declines at higher and lower spatial frequencies. 32 The mechanisms responsible for this dependence on spatial frequency are not fully understood. 33 At high spatial frequency, a decline in sensitivity is expected for several reasons, including the 34 filtering of the eyes' optics (Campbell and Green, 1965) and the spatial limits in sampling imposed 35 by the cone mosaic on the retina (Hirsch and Miller, 1987; Rossi and Roorda, 2010). At low spatial 36 frequencies, however, the reasons for a reduced sensitivity have remained less clear. 37 A popular theory directly links the low-frequency attenuation in visual sensitivity to the neural 38 mechanisms of early visual encoding (Atick and Redlich, 1990, 1992). Building on theories of 39 efficient coding (Barlow, 1961), it has been argued that this attenuation reflects a form of matching 40 1 of 18 Manuscript submitted to eLife between the characteristics of the natural visual world and the response tuning of neurons in the 41 retina: retinal ganglion cells (henceforth RGCs) respond less strongly at low spatial frequencies so 42 as to counterbalance the spectral distribution of natural scenes. According to this proposal, this 43 filtering eliminates part of the redundancy intrinsic in natural scenes and enables more efficient 44 (i.e., more compact) visual representations. 45 Although very influential, this proposal conflicts with experimental data. Neurophysiological 46 recordings have long shown that the way the responses of retinal ganglion cells vary with spatial 47 frequency deviates sharply from the CSF. The CSF of macaques is very similar to that of humans (De 48 Valois et al., 1974); yet neurons in the macaque retina respond much more strongly at low spatial 49 frequencies than one would expect from behavioral me...