Subsonic static and oscillatory aerodynamic coef cients were measured at Politecnico di Torino for a planetary entry capsule model. The experimental data set was included in a mathematical model of payload-decelerator system, and the results of simulations were compared with ight-test data. The frequency-domain attitude response of the capsule was reproduced during the main parachutes' deployment, and discrepancies for the drogue opening phase were observed. The impact on simulations of atmospheric turbulence and asymmetries in the parachute suspension system was also considered. The results suggest that several factors may affect the delity of simulations such as correct modeling of suspension system geometry and exibility, parachute aerodynamics, accuracy of payload inertial data, and accurate matching of real ight external perturbations. The effect of some design parameters on capsule attitude dynamics was evaluated. The arti cial increase of capsule damping coef cients produced observable effects on attitude time histories for large perturbations of the aerodynamic derivatives only. The dynamic stability of the system is reduced for large increase of riser length and parachute added mass.
Nomenclaturereference length (capsule diameter) F = elastic force I ay = added moment of inertia of the parachute I x ; I y ; I z ; I x z = mass moments of inertia K = elastic constant L = rolling moment L b = additional rolling moment due to bridles l = length M = pitching moment m = mass m ax ; m ay = axial and transverse added masses of the parachute N = yawing moment N b = additional yawing moment due to bridles p; q; r = angular rates (capsule) q 1 = dynamic pressure, ½V 2 =2 Re = Reynolds number, based on capsule diameter d S = reference area, ¼ d 2 =4 S P = parachute reference area s; y; h = Earth-xed axes [T BV ] = rotation matrix from s; y; h to x B ; y B ; z B ; f .Á; µ; Ã ) [T P V ] = rotation matrix from s; y; h to x P ; y P ; z P ; f .Á P ; µ P ; Ã P ) degli Abruzzi 24; Member AIAA.auxiliary body-xed longitudinal axes (origin at capsule theoretical apex) x B ; y B ; z B = body-xed axes (origin at capsule c.g.) x P ; y P ; z P = body-xed axes (origin at parachute c.g.) Y = lateral force Z = normal force ®;¯= angle of attack and sideslip (capsule) 1l = length increment ² = strain, 1l=l ¾ = total angle of attack (capsule) N ¾ = measurement accuracy of wind-tunnel data ¿; Â = angular displacement of the riser with respect to s; y; h (see Fig. 1) Á; µ ; Ã = Euler angles Á a = aerodynamic roll angle (capsule) Subscripts b = bridle CG = center of gravity (capsule) CP = center of gravity (parachute) g = gust P = parachute PA = parachute attach point P2 = point of con uence of riser and suspension lines r = riser s = suspension line 0 = reference condition 1, 2, 3 = vector components