ment is made in this study by combining the original model with a proposed in the former study. Pressure is obtainedfr-om the bulk-B = bearing width (m) B* = slenderness ratio = B l L C,, = specific heat at constant pressure (J / kg K) h(x,zj = film thickness (m) h, = film thickness at inlet (m) h2 = film thickness at exit (m) h* = convergence ratio = hi / h2 i , , = total number of grid points in s-direction ke = effective thermal conductivity = km+ k, (W / m K) km = molecular thermal conductivity (W / m K) k,nar = total number of grid points in z-direction k, = eddy thermal conductivity (W / m K) L = bearing length (m) N = highest degree of Legendre polynomial p = pressure (Pa) po = inlet pressure (Pa) 2 p* -= normalized pressure = (p-p,)h2 /(pp,L) P,,(c) = Legendre polynomial of degree n Pe = Peclet number = ~~~~u , , h~/ k~,~ Re* = modified Reynolds number = Po~,h,2/P,~ Rem = mean Reynolds number = pou,(h,+h2)/2p, T = temperature (K) To = inlet temperature (K) T,, = Legendre coefficient of temperature (K) 2 T* = normalized temperature = Re*C,(T-T,)/U, u = axial velocity component (m / s) u = film-averaged axial velocity component (m / s) u* = normalized axial velocity component = ulu, u, = axial velocity component at the runner surface (m / s) un = Legendre coefficient of u (m / s) I = velocity component through the film thickness (m / s) 3 = v -0.5 ( 5 + 1) [gu+ g w ] ( m / s ) fin = Legendre coefficient of 6 (m / s 2 L .+a/l W* = normalized load = h2& J-B,2 @-pJdz dx/p,u,B L' w = lateral velocity component (m / s) z3 = film-averaged lateral velocity component (m / s) MI,, = Legendre coefficient of w (m / s) x = axial coordinate (m) x* = normalized axial coordinate = x / L y = coordinate through the film thickness (rn) z = lateral coordinate (m) pe = effective viscosity = pm + p, (Pa s) pm = molecular viscosity (Pa. s) po = molecular viscosity at inlet = pn, ( po, To ) (Pa . S) p, = eddy viscosity (Pa. s) p = density (kg / m3) = film-averaged density (kg / m3) 3 po = density at inlet = p ( p,, To ) (kg / m ) 5 = normalized coordinate through film thickness, 5 = (2y -h)/h -5 = coordinate through film thickness with stretching, ( = l n (~) / l n (~) b = runner surface, y = 0 m = molecular quantity n = degree of Legendre polynomial; Legendre coefficient o = inlet quantity (reference quantity)Downloaded by [UNAM Ciudad Universitaria] at 14:51 20 December 2014 S. SHYU AND Y. JENG j7ow model. Comparisons of this model with the original model arc made for plane slider bearings in four flow regimes: laminar isothermal, lanlinar thermal, turbulent isothermal, nnd turbulent thern~al. Res~lts show good agreement between the two models, arid the model developed here is one order of magnitude faster thun the original model for turbulent thernzal flow.