Direct current, analog/radio frequency device, and circuit applications of nanosheet (NS) field effect transistors were investigated. To enhance power performance, co-optimization geometry parameters like NS width (NSW) and NS thickness (NSH) are varied for high-performance and low-power applications. A rise of 1.47x in ION and a rise of 5.8x in IOFF is noticed with an increase in NSH due to enlarged effective width (Weff). In addition, a rise of 3.8x in ION and a fall of 76.4% in IOFF is noticed with higher NSW. Larger NSW ensures better transconductance, transconductance generation factor, cut-off frequency, gain-band width product, transconductance frequency product, and intrinsic delay. The optimized supply voltage for maximum voltage gain of common source amplifier and three stage ring oscillators (RO) with varied NSW was performed. The impact of number of stages (N) of three stage RO for better frequency of oscillations was studied for high-frequency circuit applications.