Stability of the crestal and peri-implant bone is typically regarded as a symbol of implant success [1], the presence of peri-implant bone loss in the early phases is regarded as a sign of subsequent bone loss progression[2], and crestal bone loss is frequently regarded as the precursor to peri-implantitis[3] these bone losses were considered to be a "physiologic/inevitable" crestal bone loss that occurs upon implant implantation [4]. Subcrestal implant placement has been adopted as one of the mainstream implant placement protocols to maintain peri-implant bone level in prosthodontics [5]. With this protocol, dental implants are placed subcrestally, that is, below the crest of the cortical bone, at various depths ranging from 0.5 to 3 mm [6,7]. Studies have shown the advantages of subcrestal implant placement in preventing crestal bone loss, particularly when platform switching design and Morse taper connection are utilized [8][9][10]. Animal[11,12] and human [13] in-vivo studies have reported greater bone remodeling above the implant platform, while finite element analysis (FEA) in-silico studies reported that subcrestal implantation helps reduce stress concentration around the cortical bone and control bone resorption to a certain extent [14][15][16][17]. Meta-analysis studies also recommended subcrestal placement approximately 0.5 mm below the crestal bone to avoid thread exposure caused by physiological bone resorption [18].Although several advantages have been reported with subcrestal implant placement, some controversy still exists when compared with equicrestal implant placement [19]. Subcrestal implant placement has been reported to possibly induce greater alveolar bone loss than equicrestal implant placement [20][21][22]. These disparities could be explained by the differences in research design, implant shape, surface treatment, and surgical procedures. However, the effect of the depth of the subcrestal implant on the peri-implant remains unclear. According to Wolff's law, "Bone in a healthy person or animal will adapt to the loads under which it is placed" [23]; thus,