A taxonomic revision of the Trichia botrytis species complex based on the study of specimens from the LE and MYX fungaria was made. Six of 7 previously described species of the complex (except for T. subfusca) and 10 taxa new to science (9 species and 1 variety) were recognized. Each studied morphotype, including the previously known ones, is described in detail and illustrated with LM and SEM photographs. In addition, nrSSU, mtSSU, and EF1α genes sequences are given for all 16 morphotypes. The variability of different features (including fruiting body morphology and species ecology) is discussed thoroughly, as well as their taxonomic significance and applicability in practice. A set of features that are highly recommended to be used in subsequent descriptions of new Trichia species and closely related genera is proposed and some methodological recommendations for morphological analysis are given.