Abstract. CLTLoc (Constraint LTL over clocks) is a quantifier-free extension of LTL allowing variables behaving like clocks over real numbers. CLTLoc is in PSPACE [9] and its satisfiability can polynomially be reduced to a SMT problem, allowing a feasible implementation of a decision procedure. We used CLTLoc to capture the semantics of metric temporal logics over continuous time, such as Metric Interval Temporal Logic (MITL), resulting in the first successful implementation of a tool for checking MITL satisfiability [7]. In this paper, we assess the expressive power of CLTLoc, by comparing it with various temporal formalisms over dense time. When interpreted over timed words, CLTLoc is equivalent to Timed Automata. We also define a monadic theory of orders, extending the one introduced by Kamp, which is expressively equivalent to CLTLoc. We investigate a decidable extension with an arithmetical next operator, which allows the expression of timed non-ω-regular languages.