In many situations, the notion of function is not sufficient and it needs to be extended. A classical way to do this is to introduce the notion of weak solution; another approach is to use generalized functions. Ultrafunctions are a particular class of generalized functions that has been previously introduced and used to define generalized solutions of stationary problems in [4,7,9,11,12]. In this paper we generalize this notion in order to study also evolution problems. In particular, we introduce the notion of Generalized Ultrafunction Solution (GUS) for a large family of PDE's, and we confront it with classical strong and weak solutions.Moreover, we prove an existence and uniqueness result of GUS for a large family of PDE's, including the nonlinear Schroedinger equation and the nonlinear wave equation. Finally, we study in detail GUS of Burgers' equation, proving that (in a precise sense) the GUS of this equation provides a description of the phenomenon at microscopic level.