Recently, gypsophilas have been attracting increasing attention from workers as promising plants for the production of saponins [1][2][3][4]. However, the other classes of natural compounds that they contain have been studied comparatively little.In the present paper we give the results of the isolation and identification of the flavonoids of Gypsophila paniculata. In an analysis of various organs, it was found that the roots, where the bulk of the saponins is concentrated, contain a comparatively small amount of flavonoids. However, in the epigeal part, particularly in the leaves and flowers, more than seven components of a flavonoid nature have been found. By extracting the total flavonoids from the herb at 70 ° C with methanol and separating them on a column of polyamide sorbent, we obtained seven individual compounds. Of these, six were identified on the basis of their physieoehemieal properties and by comparison with authentic samples as vitexin, saponaretin, orientin, homoorientin, isosaponarin, and adonivernitol.A substance with the composition C26HaO1~ and mp 200 ° C (deeomp), on mild hydrolysis and enzymatic cleavage gave vitexin and D-xylose. By a spectroscopic investigation in the UV region [5], free hydroxy groups were found in the 5, 7, and 4' positions. Consequently, the D-xylose must be attached to the C-glycosyl substituent of vitexin. This substance is a new gIyeoside of vitexin and we have called it kachimoside. ["Kachim" is Russian for gypsophila. ]