chemistry principles involve go-green approaches for
the synthesis of nanomaterials. Recent interest has been toward the
use of renewable raw materials as precursors for the reduction of
metal ions to nanoparticles (NPs). However, utility of residues and
byproducts for plasmonic applications that could potentially add an
immense value in interfacial applications is rarely attempted. Here,
the silkworm pupae that contain up to 40% proteins and are generally
discarded as a byproduct after reeling the silk fibers were collected,
and the proteins in them were extracted. The protein hence obtained
is termed silkworm protein (SWP). A simple mixture of metal ions (Ag+ and Au3+) with SWP and exposure to UV irradiation
at defined intervals of time presented unique nanogeometries for plasmonic
applications. The frugal bioinspired nanoengineering protocol developed
here paved the way for monometallic (AgNPs and AuNPs) and heterometallic
(AgAu) nanohybrids with remarkable optical and morphological properties.
The obtained sharp-edged NPs with intense transverse and longitudinal
localized surface plasmon resonances were studied on metallic thin
films sustaining propagating surface plasmon polaritons to generate
amplified and integrated hotspots. This was utilized for realizing
tunable, highly directional, p-polarized, and augmented surface plasmon-coupled
emission using a mobile phone-based detector. The unaccustomed 1300-fold
enhancement of dequenched fluorescence achieved for the first time
was employed for attomolar mobile phone-based sensing of environmentally
and biologically relevant zinc ions with excellent correlation in
comparison with conventional and cost-intensive detectors. This frugal
bio-nanoinspired technology is amenable for resource-scarce settings
and enhances adoption at the bottom of the pyramid for point-of-care
applications. We strongly believe that the disruptive engineering
developed in this study would open new doors for exploring and utilizing
waste byproducts from several other industries including sugar, paper,
electronics, and aquaculture for high-end photonic biosensor development.