The energy landscapes of proteins are highly complex and can be influenced by changes in physical and chemical conditions under which the protein is studied. The redox enzyme cytochrome P450cam undergoes a multistep catalytic cycle wherein two electrons are transferred to the heme group and the enzyme visits several conformational states. Using paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy with a lanthanoid tag, we show that the enzyme bound to its redox partner, putidaredoxin, is in a closed state at ambient temperature in solution. This result contrasts with recent crystal structures of the complex, which suggest that the enzyme opens up when bound to its partner. The closed state supports a model of catalysis in which the substrate is locked in the active site pocket and the enzyme acts as an insulator for the reactive intermediates of the reaction.uring catalysis, an enzyme will traverse a conformational energy landscape that can be highly complex and easily changed by external factors, such as temperature, ionic strength, and crystallization. Cytochromes P450 (CYPs) are b-type hemecontaining monooxygenases found throughout the three domains of life. These enzymes catalyze the regiospecific and stereospecific hydroxylation of various aliphatic and aromatic compounds and are involved in a considerable number of metabolic processes, such as steroid biosynthesis and metabolism of xenobiotics in mammals. The CYP superfamily has been extensively studied over the past five decades, and an understanding of its mechanism is crucial for the development of pharmaceutical compounds that do not inhibit these enzymes. Under other circumstances, it is desirable to inhibit a CYP for therapeutic reasons. For example, compounds that inhibit CYP1B1 and CYP1A2 in humans have been proposed as promising anticancer agents (1). The archetypal member of this superfamily is CYP101A1 (more commonly known as P450cam) from Pseudomonas putida, which was the first CYP for which the 3D structure was determined by X-ray crystallography (2). P450cam catalyzes the hydroxylation of D-camphor to 5-exohydroxycamphor using two electrons, two protons, and molecular oxygen. Putidaredoxin (Pdx) reductase oxidizes NADH and transfers the electrons to Pdx, which, in turn, shuttles electrons to P450cam in two consecutive steps (3-5). This complex reaction is controlled by the enzyme to ensure an efficient coupling between dioxygen reduction and substrate hydroxylation and to avoid side reactions. P450cam must go through a cycle of several conformational and electronic states to perform its catalytic task (6).The first X-ray crystal structures of P450cam showed that the enzyme occupied a closed conformation, both in the presence and absence of substrate; therefore, it was unclear how the substrate was able to bind into the active site (2). Moreover, structures of the intermediates of the catalytic cycle were also in a closed conformation (7), leading to the idea that during the catalytic cycle, P450cam opens to bind camphor, closes to perform hydroxylation, and then re...