Recently, polarimetry has been used to enhance classical photometry to infer aerosol optical properties, as polarized radiation contains additional information about the particles. Therefore, we have equipped the SSARA sun and sky photometer with polarizer filters to measure linearly polarized light at 501.5 nm.We have developed a novel radiometric and polarimetric calibration method, which allows us to simultaneously determine the linear polarizers' diattenuation and relative orientation with high accuracy (0.002 and 0.1 • , respectively). Furthermore, 5 we employed a new calibration method for the azimuthal mount capable of correcting the instrument's pointing to within 32 arcmin. So far, this is limited by the accuracy of the sun-tracker. Both these methods are applicable to other sun and sky radiometers, such as Cimel CE318-DP instruments used in AERONET.During the A-LIFE field campaign in April 2017, SSARA collected 22 days of data. Here, we present two case studies: The first demonstrates the performance of an aerosol retrieval from SSARA observations under partially cloudy conditions. In the 10 other case, a high aerosol load due to a Saharan dust layer was present during otherwise perfect clear sky conditions. Copyright statement. CC BY 4.0
IntroductionAccording to the IPCC aerosols have a significant and not entirely understood impact on the earth's climate (IPCC, 2013). In first order, it induces a direct radiative forcing effect. Additionally, it has been established that aerosols have an influence on the 15 development and lifetime of clouds (Albrecht, 1989), which is known as the secondary aerosol effect. In order to study these effects, aerosols have to be retrieved in the vicinity of clouds. To gain insight into processes occuring in or close to the edge of clouds, microphysical properties of the aerosol are required in addition to the total aerosol load, quantified by the aerosol optical depth (AOD). These are, for instance, information about the size distribution of the particles, their index of refraction, and single scattering albedo (related to the absorptance). The combination of these parameters can be used to indentify the 20 chemical composition, and, eventually, source region of the aerosol. This has in turn impact on the aerosol's hygroscopicity, and therefore the microphysical properties of the cloud droplets that might develop from it.Aerosols can be measured from satellites, and from the ground. While the former has the advantage of global coverage, its spatial resolution is still not good enough to properly resolve smaller clouds and the aerosol in between them. Ground based systems are better suited for these studies, e.g. the AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET) that has been established as a large network of ground based sun photometers (Holben et al., 1998;Giles et al., 2019).Classically, this information is retrieved from multispectral measurements. Recently, polarimetric measurements started to 5 be included as well. Several studies suggest that including polarimetric information ...