Cardiac myocytes are the fundamental cells composing the heart muscle. The propagation of electric signals and chemical quantities through them is responsible for their nonlinear contraction and dilatation. In this study, a theoretical model and a finite element formulation are proposed for the simulation of adhesive contact interactions between myocytes across the so-called gap junctions. A multi-field interface constitutive law is proposed for their description, integrating the adhesive and contact mechanical response with their electrophysiological behavior. From the computational point of view, the initial and boundary value problem is formulated as a structure-structure interaction problem, which leads to a straightforward implementation amenable for parallel computations. Numerical tests are conducted on different couples of myocytes, characterized by different shapes related to their stages of growth, capturing the experimental response. The proposed framework is expected to have impact on the understanding how imperfect mechano-transduction could lead to emergent pathological still unchallenged due to the high computational and modeling complexities, relevant contributions regard finite element procedures for the theoretical description of single cell contractility responses under different environmental stimuli [26,27,28,29,30] or whole reconstructed heart geometries for selected pathological states [31]. In order to incorporate dominant mechanisms occurring at different scales within a constitutive framework for the cardiac tissue, microstructural properties have to be properly described, including mechano-regulated interactions occurring among tissue constituents. Though our modeling refers to the cell micro-scale, we assume a continuum approach [30]. Experimental evidences on single cell contractility showed that forces are induced where no visible stress fibers are present, thus implying that a much finer scale is responsible for the observed phenomena and therefore continuum level considerations can be adopted [27,32,33,34].Structural and physical properties of contact myocytes, in particular, will be the main object of this study. Intercellular communication between excitable contractile cells concentrates at the intercaleted discs and concerns with microscopic electrical conductance, metabolic and mechanical coupling [35]. A schematic representation of two-dimensional cardiomyocytes contact problems is provided in Fig. 1(a). The interface constitutive model concerns (i) voltage-dependent GJs ruling the electrical conductance for membrane voltage propagation, and (ii) adhesive and contact membrane interfaces dictating mechanical stress localization across adjacent cells. In addition, localized focal adhesions are described via appropriate boundary conditions. The problem at hand deserves an accurate cellular mechanical description in which structural heterogeneities, appropriate constitutive relations, and active dynamics are the three key factors to be formalized within a generalized ...