In order to adequately model water, solute and energy transport in the vadose zone, an accurate mathematical representation of the soil hydraulic properties, that is, the soil water retention and hydraulic conductivity curves, is required. Common representations of both functions, as given, for example, by van Genuchten (1980), Durner (1994), or Kosugi (1996, describe capillary water retention and conductivity, but neglect water adsorption, film and corner flow. Therefore, they are well suited to model transport processes in the medium to wet moisture range. They fail, however, to describe water transport when the soil becomes dry (Peters et al., 2015).Most traditional water retention functions assume a distinct residual water content, which is asymptotically reached at high suctions. This residual water content is either interpreted as water that is held by adsorptive forces (Corey & Brooks, 1999) or it is used as a mere fitting parameter. Thirty years ago, Nimmo (1991) discussed the problem and the fundamental misconception of this approach. From a physical point of view, the water film thickness will continually decrease as suction increases (Tuller & Or, 2005) and finally the water content becomes by definition zero at oven dryness (Schneider & Goss, 2012). To our knowledge, Campbell and Shiozawa (1992) were the first to show that in the hygroscopic moisture range, the water content often decreases linearly toward zero if it is plotted versus the log of suction. This was accounted for in the retention models of Rossi and Nimmo (1994), Fayer andSimmons (1995) and Khlosi et al. (2006). The frequently used functions of Fayer and Simmons (1995) and Khlosi et al. (2006) (e.g., Lebeau & Konrad, 2010 do not predict a water content of zero at oven dryness for soils with wide pore-size distributions (Peters, 2013). Moreover, these models sometimes predict even an increase in water content with increasing suction near saturation, which is physically wrong (Peters et al., 2011). Therefore, Peters ( 2013) suggested an alternative model formulation, which describes water retention by a linear superposition of the capillary and non-capillary components. This model was improved by Iden and Durner (2014).