Labour's spatial fix has become a key term in labour geography scholarship in recent decades. The concept has been widely used to understand labour's agency in its own social reproduction in different historical and geographical capitalist social formations. Departing from the position that state socialism was part of global capitalism, this paper applies the concept of labour's spatial fix to the context of state socialist Hungary. The analysis differentiates between three dimensions of labour's spatial fix in social reproduction: wage work (with particular attention given to female employment), income from the "second economy" and housing. The interrelatedness of these dimensions of labour's spatial fix, as well as their different geographies, are shown in an analysis covering Hungary of the 1970s. It is argued that there is a need for more extensive research on how conditions for social reproduction are established in the concept of labour's spatial fix. Absztrakt: A munka t erbeli kiigaz ıt asa a nemzetk€ ozi munkaf€ oldrajzi irodalom egyik kulcsfogalm av a v alt az elm ult evtizedekben. A fogalmat sz eles k€ orben alkalmazt ak arra, hogy a munk ass ag t arsadalmi ujratermel esben bet€ olt€ ott szerep et a kapitalizmus k€ ul€ onb€ oz} o t€ ort eneti es f€ oldrajzi kontextusaiban elemezz ek. A tanulm any a munka t erbeli kiigaz ıt as anak fogalm at az allamszocialista Magyarorsz agra alkalmazza, amelyet a kapitalista vil agrendszer r eszek ent ertelmez. Az elemz es a munka t erbeli kiigaz ıt as anak h arom t ıpus at k€ ul€ on ıti el: a b ermunk at (ezen bel€ ul vizsg alja a n} ok foglalkoztat as at), a m asodik gazdas agot, valamint a lak as ep ıt eseket, mely dimenzi ok f€ oldrajzi egy€ uttmozg asait az 1970-es evekb} ol sz armaz o statisztikai adatok alapj an mutat meg. A tanulm any a t arsadalmi ujratermel es r eszletesebb megjelen ıt ese mellett ervel a munka t erbeli kiigaz ıt as anak fogalmi haszn alata sor an.