The design of a high frequency (L Band), low power (2.75mW) Phase Lock Loops with a 350nm Complementary Metal Oxide Semi Conductor (CMOS) technology has been represented. The comparison of Current Starved Voltage Controlled Oscillator (CSVCO) and Differential pair VCO is performed and analyzed for low power and high frequency analysis respectively. Each component of Phase Lock Loop (PLL) is designed with 350nm CMOS technology in Design Architect Integrated Circuit Station by Mentor Graphics (Eldo-Net) as simulator. In this paper both the standard configurations have been simulated under the same environment and results are analyzed for two most important Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI)constraints, Speed (High frequency range) and Power consumption. The high speed and locking performance of the Differential pair VCO has been evaluated against the lower power consumption benefit of CSVCO.