The quasi-cylindrical approximation is used to describe numerically the structure of a submerged swirling jet for subcritical values of the swirl ratio SрS c . The emerging flow structure is affected by the swirling motion, which enhances the entrainment rate of the jet and induces an adverse pressure gradient that reduces its momentum flux. The effect is more pronounced as the swirl ratio S is increased, yielding for sufficiently large values of S a jet with an annular structure. The integration describes the smooth transition towards the far-field self-similar solution for all values of S smaller than a critical value SϭS c , at which the numerical integration fails to converge at a given downstream location. The comparisons with previous experimental results confirm the correspondence between the onset of vortex breakdown and the failure of the quasi-cylindrical approximation. © 2004 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.1645850͔ This Brief Communication investigates the submerged swirling jet that forms when an incompressible fluid of density and kinematic viscosity v discharges with both forward and swirling motion through a circular orifice of radius a into a stagnant region of the same fluid, a flow configuration recently studied experimentally by Billant et al. 1 The initial fluxes of momentum J and angular momentum L of the jet can be used to define the swirl ratio SϭL/(Ja) and the jet Reynolds number R j ϭ͓J/( )͔ 1/2 /v as the main parameters characterizing the flow structure. The description below corresponds to moderately large values of R j , for which the laminar jet remains steady, and to values of S of order unity, a distinguished regime that allows us to explore the effect of the swirl on the flow structure and the onset of vortex breakdown. [2][3][4][5] Near the orifice, the jet is separated from the outer stagnant fluid by an annular mixing layer that thickens downstream, so that the effect of viscosity starts reducing significantly the velocity at the axis at distances of the order of R j times the jet radius. The swirling motion causes the pressure near the axis to be smaller than the ambient value, which in turn induces an adverse axial pressure gradient that is largest at the axis. 3 For SϳO(1), the pressure differences induced are of the order of the dynamic pressure, so that the swirling motion results in a significant flow deceleration in the jet development region, additional to that associated with viscous stresses. The magnitude of the azimuthal flow velocity is seen to decay more rapidly that the axial velocity, so that in the far-field self-similar solution that arises at distances from the orifice much larger than R j a the pressure gradient induced no longer affects the forward motion at leading order. 6 For swirl ratios below a critical value of order unity, the jet remains slender, and can be therefore described with relative errors of order R j Ϫ2 with the boundary-layer, or quasi-cylindrical ͑QC͒ approximation. 7 The resulting set of parabolic equations is integrate...