A flow of an electrically conducting fluid induced by a spherically symmetric current ͑discharging from a point source located on the fluid free surface͒ has a striking feature. As increasing total current J reaches a threshold, a jet propagating from the source along the axis of symmetry collapses, i.e., velocity becomes unbounded on the axis. It is shown here that the flow becomes unstable at J smaller than the threshold. For a flow in a conical region, Ͻ cone ͑ is the polar angle from the axis of symmetry͒, the instability leads to either a time-oscillating or steady-swirling flow depending on cone . In a half-space, cone ϭ90°, the instability is oscillatory. The steady swirl first develops as J increases in a cone with cone Ͻ85°.An electric current discharging in a liquid metal can drive a high-speed flow observed, e.g., in electric arcs and electro-slag welding. 1 Similarity modeling helps analyze, understand, and predict the flow features. A mathematically elegant model of electro-slag welding is a radial current discharging from a point electrode on the free surface of a conducting fluid. Zhigulev 2 noticed that the electromagnetic force induced by this spherically symmetric current is vortical and therefore drives a flow. The flow is conically similar; it converges to the electrode along the surface and forms an outflow near the axis of symmetry ͑Fig. 1͒.The practical importance and theoretical simplicity of this flow has stimulated much work including analytical solutions for a weak current, generalizations for conical flow regions, and experimental findings of striking features. A detailed review of early studies and the report on the authors' original research are in the book by Bojarevics et al. 1 Sozou 3 found a curious effect: as current J increases, a strong nearaxis jet forms and the jet velocity becomes unbounded at a finite value of J, i.e., the jet collapses into a singularity line coinciding with the axis of symmetry ͑z in Fig. 1͒.Collapse occurs also in models of tornadoes, 4 thermocapillary convection, 5 and a number of other flows. 6 Collapse mimics a practically important physical process-strong accumulation of both the axial and angular momentum near the axis of symmetry-typical of many natural and technological flows. However, this mathematical feature seems paradoxical for a viscous flow where a singularity is expected to develop in the limiting case as a characteristic Reynolds number Re→ϱ rather than at a finite Re. A question arises whether instability occurs and a secondary flow develops before the primary flow collapses as increasing Re reaches Re co .It is shown here that this scenario indeed occurs in the Sozou flow. Before increasing J reaches its collapse value, the flow becomes unstable with respect to axisymmetric either time-oscillatory meridional-flow or steady swirl disturbances depending on angle cone of a conical flow region. The instability of the primary flow and the development of a secondary flow permit bypassing the collapse. Below we describe the primary flow, the ...