We performed a randomized, blinded, dose-dependent placebo-controlled phase I clinical study of single administration of Refluvac®, a monovalent inactivated whole-virion vaccine against pandemic influenza А (Н1N1) pdm09 containing aluminum adjuvant, in healthy volunteers aged 18-60. Single intramuscular injection at doses of 3.75, 7.5, or 15.0 µg hemagglutinin (НА) identified no safety issues in adult volunteers (n=12 per group); no severe or serious vaccination-related adverse events were observed. Only mild/moderate local adverse events (n= 3/12, 25% in 7.5 µg НА arm,) and one moderate systemic reaction (n=1/12, 8.3% in 15.0 µg НА arm) were observed. In volunteers vaccinated at 3.75 µg HA, the proportion of subjects with 4-fold seroconversion was 75%, the level of seroprotection was also 75%, the antibody titer increase was 10.7-fold, and the geometric mean titer (GMT) of antibodies to А/H1N1p-dm09 was 53.4; for the 7.5 µg HA dose, the proportion of 4-fold seroconversion was 75%, the antibody titer increase was 32.0-fold, the GMT was 160.0, and the level of seroprotection was 75%. When administered at a higher dose (15 µg HA), the proportion of subjects with protective antibody titers increased from 75% to 83%; however, the GMT and antibody titer increase were not significantly different (P>0.05) to the group vaccinated at 7.5 µg HA. Phase II clinical studies of the 3.75 and 7.5 µg HA doses of Refluvac® vaccine should be performed in a larger cohort of healthy volunteers aged 18-60. The effective immunogenicity of low doses of Refluvac® vaccine may enable increased production of pandemic influenza vaccines, and thus provide more people with a safe, effective vaccine. Citation: Tabynov K, Khairullin B, Kydyrbayev Z, Sandybayev N, Stukova M, et al. (2013) [16]. Notably, the lowest НА content required to induce a sufficient immune response was seen when whole-virion or adjuvant-containing vaccines were used. The НА content is the most important limiting factor when developing a pandemic vaccine, as existing production capacities for seasonal influenza vaccines are rather limited and are unable to meet the worldwide demand for a pandemic vaccine. Thus, a higher number of doses of vaccines with low antigenic loads can be manufactured.
Journal of Vaccines & VaccinationOn this basis, in order to create a pandemic vaccine to protect the population of Kazakhstan and neighbouring Central Asian countries, an inactivated whole-virion vaccine (Refluvac®) against Н1N1pdm09 containing aluminum hydroxide adjuvant was developed at the Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems (Kazakhstan). We previously demonstrated the safety and immunogenicity of this vaccine in preclinical studies conducted at research centers in Russia (The Research Institute of Influenza, Institute of Toxicology, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Academy) and Kazakhstan (The National Center for Expertise on Drugs) [17,18]. On the basis of these preclinical studies, Refluvac® vaccine was recommended for a phase I clinical study of single intra...