Intestinal epithelial cell (IEC) death is a common feature of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that triggers inflammation by compromising barrier integrity. In many patients with IBD, epithelial damage and inflammation are TNF-dependent. Elevated TNF production in IBD is accompanied by increased expression of the gene, which encodes A20, a negative feedback regulator of NF-κB. A20 in intestinal epithelium from patients with IBD coincided with the presence of cleaved caspase-3, and A20 transgenic (Tg) mice, in which A20 is expressed from an IEC-specific promoter, were highly susceptible to TNF-induced IEC death, intestinal damage, and shock. A20-expressing intestinal organoids were also susceptible to TNF-induced death, demonstrating that enhanced TNF-induced apoptosis was a cell-autonomous property of A20. This effect was dependent on Receptor Interacting Protein Kinase 1 (RIPK1) activity, and A20 was found to associate with the Ripoptosome complex, potentiating its ability to activate caspase-8. A20-potentiated RIPK1-dependent apoptosis did not require the A20 deubiquitinase (DUB) domain and zinc finger 4 (ZnF4), which mediate NF-κB inhibition in fibroblasts, but was strictly dependent on ZnF7 and A20 dimerization. We suggest that A20 dimers bind linear ubiquitin to stabilize the Ripoptosome and potentiate its apoptosis-inducing activity.