. Can. J. Chem. 70, 6 12 (1992). Relativistic compact effective potentials (RCEP), which replace the atomic core electrons in molecular calculations, have been derived from numerical Dirac-Fock atomic wavefunctions using shape-consistent valence pseudo-orbitals and an optimizing procedure based on an energy-overlap functional. Potentials are presented for the third-, fourth-, and fifthrow atoms of the Periodic Table (excluding the lanthanide series). The efficiency of molecular calculations is enhanced by using compact Gaussian expansions (no more than three terms) to represent the radial components of the potentials, and energy-optimized, shared-exponent, contracted-Gaussian atomic orbital basis sets. Transferability of the potentials has been tested by comparing calculated atomic excitation energies and ionization potentials with values obtained from numerical relativistic Hartree-Fock calculations. For the alkali and alkaline earth atoms, core polarization potentials (CPP) have been derived which may be added to the RCEP to make possible accurate molecular calculations without explicitly including core-valence correlating configurations in the wavefunction. Introduction two rows (Li-Ar) of the Periodic Table ( 5 ) . We designatedThe use of atomic effective core potentials (ECP) and model potentials (MP) to eliminate chemically inactive atomic core electrons from quantum mechanical calculations has become routine in the past decade. The development of such potentials in the early 1970's and applications through the mid-1980's have been reviewed previously (1). The use of such potentials in molecular calculations has gained widespread acceptance, and sets of effective potentials are included in widely distributed quantum chemistry programs such as HONDO ( 2 ) , GAMESS (3), and GAUSSIAN (4). We previously published accurate compact effective potentials (CEP) and matching basis sets for the atoms of the first '~u t h o r to whom correspondence may be addressed. 'NRC-NAS Postdoctoral Fellow, NIST, 1984NIST, -1986. Current address: California State University, San Marcos, CA 92096, U.S.A.Primed in Canada -the potentials "compact" because they are represented analytically by small Gaussian expansions and, therefore, offer significant economy in molecular calculations where the computer time required to construct the electronic integrals is proportional to the complexity of the potentials. In this report, we present effective potentials and basis sets of similar quality for the third, fourth, and fifth rows of the Periodic Table derived from numerical, relativistic, Dirac-Fock atomic wavefunctions. The analytic expansions of these POtentials are also limited to a few Gaussian terms (three or less), so we have designated them as "relativistic compact effective potentials" (RCEP).Recently, several compilations of model potentials and effective core potentials for use in molecular calculations have appeared in the literature. For the heavier atoms, relativistic effects have been incorporated by deriving the potentials ...