“…There are, however, a number of systems of comparable size which recently have been predicted to form electronically stable free dianions. Apart from the carbon cluster dianions C n 2Ϫ (nϭ7 -10), 2,10,11 these systems typically consist of a central ͑metal͒ atom and three to eight fluorine or chlorine ligands, such as the MX 3 2Ϫ ͑MϭLi, Na, K, XϭF, Cl͒, 8 the MX 4 2Ϫ ͑MϭBe, Mg, Ca, XϭF, Cl͒, 12 the MF 6 2Ϫ ͑MϭC, Si, Cr, Mo, Au, Pt͒, [13][14][15] and the MF 8 2Ϫ ͑MϭTe, Se͒ ͑Ref. 16͒ family.…”