BackgroundHispanics are the largest minority group in the United States (US) and his percentage is expected to increase (28.6% by 2060)1, being Mexicans the largest group (67.9%). RA patients from Latin-America have distinctive features from White patients. The literature highlights a younger age at presentation and a different clinical expression compared with White2 but few data for Hispanic patients in US are available.ObjectivesWe compared baseline demographic, clinical features and disease management among Hispanic RA patients from two well characterized cohorts, in the USA and Mexico city.MethodsAn early arthritis clinic (EAC) was established at Site 1 (Mexico City); patients with recent-onset RA (<1 year of symptoms) had a standardized assessment and received “treat to target” treatment. At Site 2 (US), a “routine care” cohort was initiated in 2011, and all patients completed a multidimensional health assessment questionnaire (MDHAQ) as part of their routine care. Patients from both sites had baseline complete evaluation including sociodemographic data, patient-reported outcomes (PROs) (patient global assessment, pain-VAS, HAQ/MHAQ, RAPID3), laboratory data, and tender joint counts. Initial treatment was noted. Data from both sites were compared and appropriate statistics was used.Results201 patients from site 1 and 179 from site 2 were included (table 1); among them, 105 (52%) and 37 (19%), respectively, were DMARDs-naïve at baseline. Patients from site 2 were older and had longer disease duration, however demographic characteristics did not differ. Naïve-DMARDs patients from site 2 scored significantly higher pain-VAS and tender joint counts, and had higher ESR values (p≤0.05, Mann Withney); a similar tendency was seen for other PROs. Time to DMARDs initiation was shorter in the EAC.Table. Demographic and clinical characteristics at first rheumatology visit for RA patients. All data as median (IQR) unless otherwise indicated. *p ≤ 0.003. NA, not applicable
Site 1: Mexico-Early Arthritis Clinic
Site 2: US-RA Routine Care
Patients on DMARDN=96DMARD NaïveN=105Patients on DMARDN=142DMARD NaïveN=37
Age, years, mean (SD)38.6 (13)38.8 (12.9)55.7 (15.4)45.5 (12.6)Female,%87.5%93%87%83%Yrs of formal education12 (9,16)12 (9, 14)12 (9, 14)12 (9.5, 14)Symptom duration-first visit, mo5.6 (3.9, 7.9)4.7 (2.9, 6.5)NA22.7 (3.0, 47.9)% treated as early RA (<6m)59.470NA34
Pain (0-10)4.2 (2.4, 6)6.2 (3.8, 7.8)6 (2.7, 8)8 (6, 8.5)Patient global assessment (0-10)4.4 (2.3, 6.8)6.7 (3.9-8.2)5.5 (2.5, 8)7.5 (4, 8.5)Tender Joint Counts (TJC28 or self-reported RADAI48)11 (6, 18)14 (9, 20)12 (3, 24)20 (7,32)RAPID3 (0-30)11.0(6.8-16.3)15.5(10.3-19.1)13.6(6, 20)15.3(10, 21.5)Physical Function-MHAQ (0-10)2.2 (1-4)3 (1.3-4.3)3.0 (0.6, 4.2)2.4 (1.2, 4.8)
RF,%82827572ACPA,%84866781ESR, mm/hr21.5 (11, 48)23 (12.5, 38)NA35.5 (14, 55)CRP, mg/dl0.68(0.22, 2.22)0.67(0.27, 2.48)NA0.69(0.54, 1.23)
MTX,%8993NA63*Other DMARDs,%5966NA44*Prednisone,%Mean dose (SD), mg477.5 (2.3)597.7 (3.5)NA80*9.3 (3.4)Tim...