EinleitungTumore stellen in der Pferdemedizin ein relativ häufiges Geschehen dar. Am häufigsten kommen dabei Tumore im Bereich der Haut (equines Sarkoid, Hautmelanom) oder an gut zugänglichen Stellen wie Auge, Mundhöhle, oberen Atemwegen oder äußeren Genitalien (Plattenepithelkarzinom, Osteom und Osteosarkom, Fibrom und Fibrosarkom) vor (Madewell und Theilen 1987, Marr 1994 , Zicker et al. 1990, Mair und Brown 1993, Marr 1994, Mair et al. 2004, Dechant et al. 2006 Internal neoplasia in the horse with special regard to the cytology of body cavity fluidIn eleven horses out of fourteen with internal neoplasia affecting the thoracic or abdominal cavity a cytologic investigation of pleural or peritoneal fluid was performed. In another horse a biopsy smear was made. Out of the 12 cytologic examinations 9 proved positively for neoplasia. Criteria of malignancy in the cytology of thoracic and peritoneal effusions in tumours are demonstrated on a series of examples including lymphoma, malignant melanoma, adenocarcinoma, and hemangiosarcoma in the horse. Cells of aberrant morphology corresponding to the criteria of malignancy are also present in effusions in other forms of disease, e.g. chronic peritonitis, acute septic peritonitis, and systemic granulomatous disease. Delineation of neoplasia is sometimes difficult and subject to discussion.