The quality assurance is a cycle that must be continuously carried out by higher education institutions to enhance the quality of education provision. An internal quality assurance an conducted independently by the institutions. Meanwhile, external quality assurance is implemented by external quality assurance agencies, both nationally and internationally, by the policies of each country as well as in Indonesia. This research will focus on how international accreditation of academic programs in Indonesian universities affects the employability of graduates. This study finds out: (1) To what extent does study program’s curriculum accommodate global competencies that have to be mastered by graduates? and (2) To what extent does study program’s partnership accelerate graduates to be employed by reputable employers? This study uses a qualitative approach and a multicases study in three undergraduate programs accredited internationally. As a result, the study programs were periodically updating the curriculum and integrated global competencies to enhance the adaptability of graduates. Furthermore, it was followed by a career preparation program that is organized by the study program. In summary, pursuing SDGs 4, quality education, the study program must answer the gap of the instructional process and job market. One of the solution is tackling the challenge with the opportunity to develop and accelerate quality education in the context of higher education institution.