For more than a decade, medically refractory movement disorders have been treated with deep brain stimulation (DBS) devices. Bilateral DBS of the subthalamic nucleus (STN), globus pallidus, and thalamus have been effective in reducing the complications of medications in later-stage movement disorder patients. However, the effectiveness of the DBS device is highly dependent on the proper radiologic and electrophysiological identification of DBS target structures and the accurate placement of the DBS electrodes. The reasons for suboptimal results from DBS surgery could be related to several factors such as patient selection (preoperative), precision of DBS electrode placement (intraoperative), and inadequate device programming and follow-up (postoperative). 1 It should be mentioned from the outset that, regardless of the target, the issues of postoperative MRI in the presence of electrodes hold true.Limited clinical improvement from DBS therapy may result from misplaced electrodes during the intraoperative procedure. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of DBS electrodes is the preferred method for confirming the anatomical location of electrodes given the amount of detail obtained. Recently, computerized topography (CT) has been used for electrode localization by fusing the postoperative CT with the preoperative MRI. This method could introduce more error given the fusion process required (eg, brain shift, CT air pockets). There is an implicit need for the localization of DBS electrodes with a postoperative MRI, and no amount of experienced DBS programming can compensate for a poorly placed electrode. 1 Furthermore, a CT scan cannot replace invaluable MRI scan sequences that are used for diagnostic purposes (outside electrode localization).However, the current restrictions on the postoperative MRI of electrodes has resulted in many centers opting out of the procedure. Importantly, although the potential danger imposed by MRI scanning in the presence of electrodes should not be disregarded, the fear of such procedures should not impact patient care. The current viewpoint will assume that MRI scanning is being performed with both the leads and implantable pulse generator in place. Regardless of the patient, treating neurologist, or the implantation technique, postoperative MRI scanning is invaluable for proper electrode placement verification and diagnostic applications.
Specific Absorption RateIn 1979, the concept of specific absorption rate (SAR) was introduced by the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements for measuring the rate of radiofrequency (RF) energy absorbed by the body. SAR is defined as the mass normalized rate at which RF power is coupled to biological tissue. 2 SAR is measured in units of watts per kilogram (W/kg). 2 The objective of calculating SAR is to limit the rise in body temperature as a result of RF deposition during the MRI procedure. During the MRI procedure, the patient's body temperature is not easy to detect, so SAR is used to control the potential temperature increases. 2 ...