He obtained his B.Sc in physical chemistry from Bar-Ilan University in 1989 and received his PhD from the Weizmann Institute of Science with Prof. Gary Hodes on nanomaterials synthesis (1999). He then went to the Max Planck institute of colloids and interfaces for 3 years, as postdoctoral fellow to work with Prof. M. Antonietti and Prof. H Cölfen on biomimetic chemistry and chiral polymers. In 2003 joined the staff of the chemistry department at Bar-Ilan University, where he is currently a Professor at the institute of nanotechnology at Bar-Ilan University leading the nano chirality laboratory. Prof. Mastai's earlier interests included nanomaterials synthesis and characterization. His current research is focused on the synthesis and analysis of chiral nanosurfaces, chiral self-assembled monolayers and polymeric chiral nanoparticles. Mastai has published more than 100 scientific articles and book chapters on various aspects of nanomaterials and chirality at the nanoscale.XIV Contents I wish to thank all the authors for their contributions for this book and it is my pleasure to acknowledge the assistance of Ms Vana Persen for her assistance during the write-up of this book and is preparation in final format.Finally I would like to acknowledge my family who has supported me through all the years of doing science. To my wife Dina von Schwarze and to our children Michael, Reut and Noa for their patience and support.