Endogenous production of ethylene and endogenous levels of abscisic acid were measured from Hibiscus rosa-si nensis L. abscission zone explants at six stages of development: tight bud, open flower, closed flower, petal abscission, calyx abscission, and peduncle abscission.Explants acropetal and basipetal to the abscission zone produced less ethylene than the abscission zone explants. Ethylene production increased with time both prior to and during abscission, reaching a peak in the later stages of senescence after abscission was complete.Bound abscisic acid was greatest in segments acropetal to the abscission zone at the closed flower stage. Free abscisic acid was double that of bound abscisic acid in the tight bud stage with the basipetal level exceeding that of the acropetal level until flower closure. Acropetal-free abscisic acid began to rise at petal abscission increasing sharply to a peak at calyx abscission. both. However, ABA has exhibited ethylene production in pea seedlings and stimulated its production in orange peel (24). Ethylene has also been shown to enhance the effect of ABA (50). Some interactions have been observed between ethylene and other growth regulators (1,10,11,23,32,39,47,50). An investigation of endogenous levels of ABA relative to endogenous ethylene production is in order. The objective of this study was to characterize the endogenous levels of ethylene and ABA in Hibiscius rosa-sinensis L. abscission zones to determine possible cause and effect relationships during floral development.
MATERIALS AND METHODSHibiscuts rosa-sinienisis L. flower stem explants were used because the abscission zone is accessible and senescence and abscission are rapid. Ethylene and ABA determinations were made from abscission zone No. 2 (Fig. 1) (Fig. 2), as defined according to the development, senescence, and abscission of the flower petals, calyx, and peduncle. Explants 1.5 cm long, with the abscission zone centered. were used for ethylene analysis (Fig. la). Explants were surface-sterilized in 0.5% sodium hypochlorite for 4 min, blotted dry, and aseptically transferred to sterile flow chambers.The flow chamber consisted of a 7 cm X 1.5 cm (i.d.) glass tube fitted at each end with a 5 cm X 4 mm (i.d.) glass tubing in a rubber stopper. The 20 explants rested on a gauze pad placed in the bottom of each chamber. The glass tubing at the top of the chamber was attached to a humidified air flow system (0.35 ml/min) similar to that described by Pratt et al. (42). Controls consisted of 1.5-cm explants acropetal to and basipetal to the abscission zone explant (Fig. la). Empty chambers were used as a check on the system. One-milliliter gas-tight plastic syringes were attached to the exhaust port of the flow chamber. The syringes remained attached without the plunger. At sampling time, a plunger was started into the syringe, the syringe was removed from the flow system, and the 1-ml sample was injected into a gas chromatograph. Gas samples were taken at 6 AM, 10 AM. and 4 PM daily for 7 days. Explant fres...