The lithium ion conductivities of perovskite-type oxide La 0.52(1) 6 Li 0.30(1) TiO 2.93(2) and La 0.52(1) 7 Li 0.30(1) TiO 2.93(2) single crystals, 6 and 7 , which were prepared by reproducible isotope exchange process using molten salt, were measured. The 6 / 7 ratio was almost the same as the classical theoretical value, 1.08, and the activation energies of these samples were constant.Perovskite-type oxide (La, Li)TiO 3 is known as a high lithium ion conductor, and it has been the subject of many studies. 1-9 According to the results of those studies, the crystal structure, the lattice parameters, the bottleneck size, the carrier concentration, and the vacancy concentration in the A site are known as the key parameters to adjust to obtain a high ionic conductivity. Especially, the lattice parameters are the predominant factor in ion conductivity. Besides, the isotope effect of ion diffusion in a solid has been much investigated. [10][11][12][13][14][15][16] The isotope effect of lithium ion in lithium borate glasses or lithium metal has been reported. [17][18][19][20][21][22] The temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient D of atoms ͑of mass m͒ diffusing by a simple vacancy mechanism in a solid is expressed by the Arrhenius equationwhere E is the activation energy, f the correlation coefficient, N the fractional vacancy concentration, a the lattice constant, the attempt frequency, ⌬S the excitation entropy, and R the gas constant. The pre-exponential factor D 0 , called the frequency factor, includes the attempt frequency, which is proportional to 1/(m) 1/2 . 23 For the lithium isotope, the following isotope effect value is expected to appear in the diffusion coefficientSo, the lighter isotope 6 Li can diffuse faster than the heavier isotope 7 Li. But, in many papers, the lithium isotope effect value was reported to be different from the calculated value, 1.08, and was dependent on the temperature. 17-21 This behavior is explained by the quantum partition function. 17,18 In lithium metal, the diffusion coefficient was measured using NMR, 22 which gave the ratios of diffusion coefficients asThis result is explained by the influence of the matrix and the spatial correlation factor. 22 However, in previous reports, the isotope effect was compared between isotope samples with different compositions and structures. Therefore, strictly, the isotope effect has not been studied quantitatively and remains unclear. This study investigated the isotope effect of lithium ion conductivity in (La, Li)TiO 3 single crystals. (La, 7 Li)TiO 3 was prepared from the reproducible ion exchange process using molten salt for pristine (La, 6 Li)TiO 3 , which assures the reliability of the data.
ExperimentalPolycrystalline La 0.55 Li 0.35 TiO 3 was prepared by a conventional solid-state reaction technique. La 2 O 3 ͑4 N͒, 6 Li 2 CO 3 ͑3 N; 6 Li: 7 Li ϭ 94:6), ͑or 7 Li 2 CO 3 ͑3 N; 6 Li: 7 Li ϭ 2:98͒,͒ and TiO 2 ͑4 N͒ were used as starting materials. The metal content of La 2 O 3 was determined by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid...