The unitarised Eikonal Born series (UEBS) method has been used successfully by Byron et al. for elastic scattering of electrons and positrons by hydrogen atoms. Here an attempt is made to apply the UEBS method in the case of elastic scattering of electrons by helium atoms. The total and differential cross sections are calculated for the energy range 100-700 eV. The results are compared with experimental and other theoretical results. It is found that the results obtained with the UEBS method agree best with the experimental results.There is no simple yet satisfactory method for computing the scattering of electrons by helium atoms in the intermediate energy region. After the introduction of the Eikonal approximation in the potential scattering theory by Moliere [1], Glauber [2] extended it by using a frozen target approximation to convert the many body scattering problem into a potential scattering problem in which the potential depends on the coordinates of the target. However this could not be free from some drawbacks (Byron et al. [3]). To eliminate the deficiencies of the eikonal approximation and the Glauber many body generalization, Byron and Joachain [4] formulated the Eikonal-Born series (EBS) method. But the EBS method was not unitarised. On the other and, Wallace [5,6] introduced a systematic correction to the Eikonal phase that did not account, however, for long range polarization effects at small angles and represented absorption inadequately. To eliminate these difficulties, Byron et al. [7] suggested to remove the second order Wallace term / W2 from the Wallace amplitude / w and to replace it by the second Born term f B2 . The direct amplitude thus obtained was called the Unitarised Eikonal Born series (UEBS) amplitude. They applied the UEBS method successfully to the elastic scattering of electrons and positrons by hydrogen atoms in the energy range 100 to 400 eV [7] and obtained better results than those obtained with the other methods. In the present investigation the UEBS method is applied to the elastic scattering of electrons by He atoms in the intermediate energy range.Reprint requests to Dr. V. M. Chhaya, Department of Physics, Saurashtra University, Rajkot 360 005, India.The interaction potential between the electron and the helium atom in the direct arrangement channel can be expressed as (in atomic units) -00 0932-0784 / 93 / 0100-477 $ 01.30/0. -Please order a reprint rather than making your own copy. Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/11/18 8:34 AM