Abstract-Vacuum ultraviolet radiation (VUV), generated during plasma processing of semiconductors devices can induce charge on dielectric materials. By exposing dielectric coated wafers to synchrotron radiation of varying energy, it is possible to separate the photoemission and photoconductive effects, both of which result in an increase in the surface potential of the dielectric. Maps of the surface potential induced on the dielectrics by VUV can be obtained by the use of a Kelvin probe.Index Terms-Plasma damage, plasma radiation, vacuum ultraviolet radiation (VUV).
DURING plasma processing, charging of dielectrics plays a leading role within the damage mechanisms of semiconductor devices and plasma-processed materials in general. This damage mechanism is greatly influenced by the plasma-emitted vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) radiation. VUV radiation with energies in the range of 7-21 eV can induce charge on dielectric materials. The radiation is absorbed in the exposed dielectric and it results in the generation of electron-hole pairs. Electrons that have enough energy to escape the dielectric layer can then be photoemitted, leaving the positively charged holes in the dielectric. However, this can only occur when the dielectric is exposed to a flux of photons with an energy above its threshold for photoemission. When enough electrons are photoemitted, the dielectric will develop a positive surface-charge layer. As the dielectric surface charges so that fewer and fewer electrons are being photoemitted, the incident photons will generate electron-hole pairs that remain in the dielectric. This can only occur if these photons have an energy larger than the bandgap of the dielectric. Photons with wavelengths that are strongly absorbed by the dielectric cause the generation of electron-hole pairs only in a very thin surface layer and produces what is in effect a surface conductivity. On the other hand, radiation with wavelengths that are weakly absorbed by the dielectric causes the generation of carriers throughout the bulk of the dielectric and thus creates a volume conductivity. Under these conditions, free electrons in the conduction band and free holes in the valence band that escape initial recombination can travel under the action of an electric field toward the boundaries of the dielectric, resulting in charge separation. Charge separation causes the dielectric to Manuscript