Stenting is a vegetative propagation method, based on cutting and grafting in one action. The question addressed in this study is whether indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) concentration is able to impress success of Chinese hibiscus propagation when grafted onto two kinds of rootstocks. The used IBA concentrations include: 0, 1000, 3000 and 5000 ppm and two cultivars of Hibiscus syriacus ("Blue Stain" and "Jeanne d'Arc"), which have been used as rootstock. Results indicated that, all the cultivars were superior for most of the measured parameters when IBA treatments were used compared to control plants except for average of the longest root size. The highest healing percentage resulted in stentlings (plant which has been propagated by stenting method) with 5000 ppm of IBA treatment. All IBA treatments significantly increased rooting percentage compared with the control plants. Stentlings that were treated with 3000 and 5000 ppm of IBA, produced the greatest leave number. In Chinese hibiscus/"Jeanne d'Arc" combination, higher root number and dry weight of roots were observed. Interactions of kinds of rootstock and IBA concentration showed that the highest healing percentage was obtained in "Blue Stain" in concentration of 5000 ppm and the highest root number were seen in stentlings with "Jeanne d'Arc" in 3000 ppm and "Jeanne d'Arc" in 5000 ppm.