DOI: 10.1093/jn/88.4.359
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Absorption of Amino Acids from the Small Intestine of Domestic Fowl

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Cited by 44 publications
(21 citation statements)
References 18 publications
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“…In adult passerine birds, leucine is considered an essential amino acid whereas glycine is not (Griminger and Scanes, 1986;Murphy and King, 1986). In light of the above, and assuming that sparrows, like chickens, efficiently absorb leucine and glycine (Chung and Baker, 1992;Tasaki and Takashi, 1966), we tested the prediction that exogenous glycine will be oxidized more rapidly than leucine.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In adult passerine birds, leucine is considered an essential amino acid whereas glycine is not (Griminger and Scanes, 1986;Murphy and King, 1986). In light of the above, and assuming that sparrows, like chickens, efficiently absorb leucine and glycine (Chung and Baker, 1992;Tasaki and Takashi, 1966), we tested the prediction that exogenous glycine will be oxidized more rapidly than leucine.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Amino acids are actively transported and systems exist that can be generalized as having anionic, cationic, and neutral preferences such that any and all free forms can be retrieved (Ganapathy et al, 2001;Hyde et al, 2003). Tasaki and Takahashi (1966) placed an equimolar mixture of 18 amino acids into an intestinal loop of adult fowl in situ then measured net absorption that had occurred over 10 min. Individual absorptive rate of one amino acid to the other was generally more favorable with the essential ones that would have been released after pancreatic proteolysis of intact protein (Table 1).…”
Section: Accessing the Absorptive Surfacementioning
confidence: 99%
“…Fowl Table 1 Absorption of individual amino acids from an eqimolar mixture administered to an in situ loop of rooster small intestine through a 10 min duration a . a Data taken from Tasaki and Takahashi (1966). Each amino acid was calculated to provide 12.5 moles/5 ml with the composite injected into a loop from 10 cm above to 10 cm below Meckel's Diverticulum.…”
Section: Accessing the Absorptive Surfacementioning
confidence: 99%
“…An additional factor that should be considered, however, is the relative efficiencies of utilization of the > and L-isomers of methionine. Edwards et al (1963) have suggested some differences in the metabolism of D-and Lmethionine in studies with rats, and a number of workers (Edwards et al 1963;Tasaki and Takahashi 1966;Taylor et al 1959) have produced evidence of different rates of absorption of methionine isomers. In the present investigation the degree to which plasma and tissue methionine levels of two litters of gilts were affected by feeding DL-or r-methionine was studied in an attempt to account for MATERIALS AND METHODS Procedures involved in housing and feeding of the gilts have previously been described in an accompanying publication (Knipfel et al 1972, experiment 3).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%