“…Let Y be the set of all such subsets Γ of Ω. If Γ ∈ Y and K, h are as in Definition 1.1, then we say that a holomorphic function f ∈ H(Ω) belongs to the class U (Ω, Γ), if there exists a sequence (λ n ) of natural numbers such that the subsequence S λn (f, Γ)(z) of the partial sums of the Faber series of f , converges to h(z) uniformly on K. On the other hand we say that f belongs to the class U F ab (Ω), if for any compact set M ⊂ Y , where Y is endowed with the metric topology introduced in [3], section B.5 (see also [4]), we have that sup Γ∈M sup z∈K |S λn (f, Γ)(z) − h(z)| → 0, as n → ∞.…”