With agricultural demands increasing globally, determining the nature of impacts of different forms of agriculture on biodiversity, especially for threatened vertebrates and habitats, is critical to inform land management. We determined the impacts of converting rock outcrops (a habitat more threatened than rainforests) to orchards and paddy on anurans in the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot. We sampled 50 belt transects four times across four sites during the rainy season and recorded information on amphibians and their microhabitats. We determined community-level responses using Hill numbers, beta-diversity measures, and non-metric multidimensional scaling, and species-level responses using joint species distribution modelling. Converting rock outcrops to paddy and orchards significantly altered microhabitat availability. Conversion to paddy mostly had community-level impacts, i.e., lowered species richness and more nested communities, whereas conversion to orchards mostly had species-level impacts, i.e., lowered species occurrence, highlighting the differential impacts of different forms of agriculture on amphibians and the need to determine impacts of land-use change on communities and species concurrently. We show that large rock pools are critical microhabitats for anurans as they serve as a refuge and protect anurans from desiccation during dry spells, which may be prolonged by climate change. Since rock outcrop habitats in low elevations are rapidly being converted to orchards, efforts are needed to conserve them in partnership with local communities, the custodians of these habitats. Our findings demonstrate that different forms of agriculture can have divergent impacts on biodiversity, and determining their impacts may require assessments at multiple scales, from species to communities.HIGHLIGHTSOrchard and paddy conversions affect anurans and their microhabitats on rock outcropsConversion to paddy has community-level impacts, i.e., reduced diversityConversion to orchards has species-level impacts, i.e., lowered species occurrenceRock pools, an important habitat for outcrop anurans, must be preserved or createdThere is a need to study species-and community-level impacts simultaneously